As consumers become more knowledgeable and concerned about climate change and the impact that their purchase habits have on the environment, the more important traceability becomes for crop trading businesses. Evidence and certainty about where and who have grown crops to create products becomes a point of influence in consumer buyer behaviour. Organisations who embrace and look for innovative ways to enhance product through traceability will be able to create significant competitive advantage or differentiation and be able to compete more effectively.
Using a Crop Trading Platform is one way to capitalise on this in an easy and effective way without adding complexity and additional work load to your crop trading business. Crop SRM is a fast and easy solution for business who are looking to provide effective traceability with reporting and functionality such as geocode traceability on each and every load supplied and management of customer specific ‘Grower Clubs’ for specific customers.
Traceability functionality supports the contracting process from contracting through to growing season and harvest progress. The clarity and ease of accessing the reports make them core tools for crop traders to add value to their trading relationships. Especially reports that offer summary and granular level such as by variety, quality specification test results as well as historical overviews.
This level of details is key crop intelligence assisting crop traders with analytics that are comprehensive and available in real time. Reporting to help with ;
- Strategic contracting decisions to improve margin and profits and underpin sustainability of your supplies in a competitive environment
- Trade smarter by accurately controlling and knowing quantity and pricing detail across all your crop contracts
- Compare, contrast and find exceptions with ease, with historical records and benchmarking instantly available
- Crop quality assessments, during growing and at harvest, instantly captured and analysed and visible for managing total buying book
Read more about how Crop SRM can help with your profitability or operational efficiency.
Want to know more about how Crop SRM can help your trading business – contact us here