
Welcome to the new Crop SRM

Farmflo launch new “Unlimited” use Crop Trading platform Farmflo, an award-winning digital solution provider for the agri-business sector, has evolved and launched Crop SRM , (Supplier Relationship Management) a new Crop trading ‘software as a service’ platform that helps agri [...]

Welcome to the new Crop SRM2021-11-18T12:44:41+00:00

Traceability; the unavoidable consumer trend opportunity.

As consumers become more knowledgeable and concerned about climate change and the impact that their purchase habits have on the environment, the more important traceability becomes for crop trading businesses. Evidence and certainty about where and who have grown crops [...]

Traceability; the unavoidable consumer trend opportunity.2021-12-01T17:18:18+00:00

Increased profitability by up to £2 Million

Business have traditionally two choices when looking to increase profitability; raise prices or control costs. Raising prices brings its own headaches and does directly impact on your customers. Controlling costs is something business need to look to do – operational [...]

Increased profitability by up to £2 Million2021-12-14T18:08:16+00:00

See how CROP SRM can save you over £70K per year in operating efficiencies

PwC recent research showed that two thirds of businesses are looking to make operating efficiencies within the next 12 months. However only 30% achieve their targeted reduction and less than 20% will achieve sustainable change.  How can your organisation beat [...]

See how CROP SRM can save you over £70K per year in operating efficiencies2021-11-17T18:35:28+00:00
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